Heroes of Timeline

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Heroes of Timeline


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Heroes of Timeline

Heroes of Timeline is a board game that brings you into a captivating fantasy world and challenges your strategic skills in quick and dynamic battles. - Zero randomness Heroes of Timeline is a board game that will never let a victory to be stolen from you by an unlucky dice throw. Only your strategy and choices lead the Heroes to a victory or a defeat. - Unique heroes Unique abilities of each Hero and each Team mean that every move you make is crucial, and every match you play is unique. - Painless rules The game is designed to start playing quickly. This video will prepare you for your first Heroes of Timeline game in roughly 10 minutes. - Deep strategy You lead two Teams of mightiest Heroes, and you direct their maneuvers, attacks, and abilities in a turn-based combat. The stakes in this game are high: any attack on an unprotected Hero means elimination.


  • Grid Movement
  • Movement Points
  • Role Playing
  • Turn Order: Progressive
  • Zone of Control


  • Abstract Strategy
  • Fantasy