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The king has died with no clear successor! The players—potential heirs all—are scrambling to put together their power bases by dispatching trusted agents and allies to garner support across the breadth of the kingdom. Nobody wants open wa... SHOW MORE 
The king has died with no clear successor! The players—potential heirs all—are scrambling to put together their power bases by dispatching trusted agents and allies to garner support across the breadth of the kingdom. Nobody wants open warfare, but some conflict is sure to break out. Fealty is a game of positioning and territory control. Each turn, all players add one piece to the game board, with increasing constraints on placement as time goes on. Some pieces have an effect when brought into play. At the end of the game, all pieces place influence in order of speed, claiming territory and blocking slower opposing pieces. The player who has maneuvered his or her pieces to place the most influence onto the board wins. ... SHOW LESS 
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Six is a deceptively simple-looking abstract strategy game in which two (or four) players take turns placing their colored hexagonal tiles while trying to create one of the three "winning shapes" – triangle, hexagon or line – ou... SHOW MORE 
Six is a deceptively simple-looking abstract strategy game in which two (or four) players take turns placing their colored hexagonal tiles while trying to create one of the three "winning shapes" – triangle, hexagon or line – out of six of their tiles. If all tiles have been placed from players' hands without someone winning, players then take turns picking up a previously placed tile and moving it to a new position. With the advanced rules, players are allowed to move a tile that will separate all the tiles into two or more groups; by doing this, some pieces are removed from the game, and this provides an alternate way to win by reducing the opponent to five or fewer pieces (as the opponent cannot possibly form a winning shape). ... SHOW LESS 

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